Walter Lee Kauffman 3rd Family

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! 55 Years together is quite the milestone. Our own Peg Kauffman and her husband Walter recently celebrated this momentous milestone. Married July 15, 1966, Peg and Walter have shared quite the adventure, from the day they met in a local trophy shop, where Walter stopped in to purchase his monthly trophies to be awarded at the Presque Auto Sports Club. It just so happened that after working for the day at St. Vincent’s Hospital, Peg had stopped by to help her friend that worked at the shop. We’d say Walter left with more than a regular trophy that day, he left with his biggest prize to date, his beautiful wife Peg.

Walter and Peg raised 4 children, Drew, Erie, Leslie and Lee, who blessed them with 8 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren. Peg and Walter’s fondest memories are traveling the country, doing “unusual” vacations with their children, from buying special circus tickets to sit on the bottom row to see live bears walk right next to them, to Walter, whom I might add was a Hot Air Balloon Pilot, floating off, with Peg chasing behind, and the kids riding cows, to probably the best vacation of all when they fed marshmallows to the Alligators in New Orleans.

Happy Anniversary Peg and Walter, congratulations on spending 55 adventurous years together, here’s to many more!

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