Isaac Kauffman

Isaac Kauffman was born in 1693 in Oberdiessbach, Bern, Switzerland and died in1738 in Manor, Lancaster, PA. Literature says, he is probably the son of Tauferlehrer Isaac Kauffman. My research does not confirm that. He was likely a nephew of the Tauferlehrer.

Tauferlehrer Isaac Kauffman had a tremulous life as a Mennonite Leader in a country controlled by the Catholic’s from France. In 1693, his wife was arrested for allowing her hired man to carry a quantity of cheese on Sandy evening from the Alp to his employer. In 1694, authorities ordered the wife of Isaac to cooperate in the bringing in of Isaac Kauffman from his hiding in the meadows. The sheriff of Trachselwald and his two deputies were thrashed unmercifully while attempting to bring him in. In 1695, the council arrested his wife for failing to attend the Christmas Eve services. Eventually he was banished to Holland. There he was approached by William Penn and agreed to organize a group of Mennonites to resettle in Pennsylvania.

I believe our Isaac was one those who joined this group of Mennonites.

Isaac then is the son of Jacob Kauffman (1656 – 1699) and Anna Kropff (1661-1693) in Erienbach, Bern Switzerland. Jacob was a brother of the Tauferlehrer. Isaac emigrated to the United States in 1711 or so and settled in Manor Township on the track shown below.

Isaac married Elizabeth J Barbara Brubaker (1695 – 1751). They had a large family.

  • Isaac (1715-1777), He moved to a 300 ace tract on the Chicasalunga Creek.
  • Audrey (1717-1771), married Phillip Kuntz
  • Jacob (1719-1767), married Exe Snevely
  • Elizabeth (1721-1753), married John Neff
  • Andrew (1726-1785) married Fraena Baer. He and Christian acquired the Isaac Kauffman farm. Christian
  • Christian (1728-1799) married Barbara Baer. Christian was deeded 142 acres of the Isaac Kauffman farm, which he sold to his brother and moved to a farm further down in Manor Township.
  • Anna (1730-1766) married Jacob Neff.

Isaac settled then in Manor Township along with other Kauffmans, likely cousins.

There is more to be written on his life.

Isaac is buried at the Abbeyville Meeting Place. See the story

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