Andrew Isaac was the son of Isaac Baer Kauffman and grandson of Christian Kauffman, who came from Swabia, Germany to Manor township, Lancaster Co, PA in 1717. He had a farm in Manor township near Columbia. His son, Isaac lived there , and after him, his grandson Andrew Isaac. He married Catharine Shuman, only daughter… Continue reading Andrew Isaac Kauffman
Category: People
Ann Elizabeth Coover Kauffman
Levi Kauffman
Druggist, internal revenue collector, fire insurance agent, helped organize the 2nd National Bank, delegate to presential Convention (Republican) at Baltimore in 1864.
The Quest for Isaac Baer Kauffman’s Burial Place
As we know, the Kauffman’s are buried in a variety of locations. Walter Lee Kauffman 2nd – Our father, your grandfather, is buried with our mother, in Erie Cemetery in Erie PA. Percival Barton Kauffman – Uncle Bart is buried at Arlington Cemetery, just outside of Washington, DC. Their parents, Percival Coover Kauffman and Katharine Barton Kauffman are… Continue reading The Quest for Isaac Baer Kauffman’s Burial Place
The Franz Peter Keller Family Notes EWK
This was a letter to the Kauffman children from our mother, Elizabeth Wright Kauffman. She gave it to me when she was in her later years. I say “the Kauffman children” because she made a carbon copy of it and it was in a letter to me, so i assume she intended to a copy to… Continue reading The Franz Peter Keller Family Notes EWK
The Oozlefinch
So, who doesn’t know the story of the Oozlefinch? The blue bird that flew so fast that in order to protect his eyes, he flew backwards. He was the mascot of the Coast Artillery Corp in WW1. The Coast Artillery was based in Fort Monroe Virginia. A Mrs. Tilton, while shopping in Hampton, came across… Continue reading The Oozlefinch
The Tubbs Family
Tubb Family Crest Elsie Tubbs was my great grandmother on my father’s side. She married John Barton. My Grandmother, Katharine Barton was their daughter. She married Percival Coover Kauffman.There seems to be a bit of confusion about Elizabeth (Elsie) Tubbs and Alice Tubbs. They were both the wives of John Barton, just not at the… Continue reading The Tubbs Family
The Franz Peter Keller Family
This story has segments for: Franz Peter Keller Eduard Keller Eduard Adolphus Keller Clara Katharine Keller, and Frank Keller The earliest member of the Keller family is Franz Peter Keller. He marries Catharinam Antoni. They have four children, Eduard, Heinrich (Harry), and one daughter, Regina. Their son, Eduard Keller marries Christina Weindorf. They have four… Continue reading The Franz Peter Keller Family
The Weindorf Family
Martin Weindorf marries Elizabeth Lehn in Germany, immigrate to Erie PA, have nine children, including Christina Weindorf, who later marries Eduard Keller, gives birth to Clara Katherine Keller, who marries John Wright and gives birth to Elizabeth Keller Wright who in turn marries Walter Lee Kauffman 2nd. But there is more to this story. ============================================… Continue reading The Weindorf Family
The Great Influenza of 1918
Doctors John and Katherine Wright had a longtime effect in the city BY VALERIE MYERS / VALERIE.MYERS@TIMESNEWS.COM A husband-and-wife team of doctors fought on the front lines of the Spanish influenza epidemic in Erie in 1918 and continued to lead city health efforts until as late as 1960. John W. Wright, M.D., then 50, was in… Continue reading The Great Influenza of 1918