Blog – 4/8/2022

So, the first week, I talked about Walter Lee Kauffman, my great uncle. Then I talked about Katharine Barton Kauffman. It was interesting to learn about the Barton Family, who had been in this country for such a long time.

This week, I will talk about Clara Keller Wright, our other grandmother. Again, we never met her. She died at a young age, when our mother was only seven years old. And Mom was shipped off to California to live with (the famous) Harry Kellar and Anna Maria Buck and her husband, Malcom Buck. Anna Maria was the sister of Clara. She lived in Los Angeles and had taken in Harry Kellar in his later years. Mother always had stories about Harry. You can learn more about him on the website.

We do not know much about Clara. Just some pictures. But the Keller family, her brothers, her sister were close knit.

Clara Keller Wright
