Barnello Family

Brett Barnello and Anne Kauffman were married in 2000.


Margaret and Peter Kauffman

Margaret and Peter were married in 1968. They have three children, Karen Christine Kauffman, born in 1970, Anne Rogers, born in 1974 and Charles Wright born in 1977.

Categorized as Family, PWK

431 Hilltop Road

This home was originally built in 1921 by an architect, unknown at this time. In 1940, the home was purchased by Walter Lee and Elizabeth Wright Kauffman. The Kauffman’s occupied and improved the home over the next 35 years raising their four children and hosting many events including the wedding of their oldest daughter, Mary… Continue reading 431 Hilltop Road

Categorized as Homes

Coover House

This house was the home of John Coover. No one is sure when this house was built. In 1807, Christian Keesey bought 12 acres from Leonard Fisher. In 1809, he sold to Krout and Black who laid it out in quarter acre lots each having 45 feet on Main Street. Jacob Krout, married to Mary… Continue reading Coover House

Categorized as Homes

Chestnut Hills Cemetery

Chestnut Hill Cemetery LOCATION 319 W. Winding Hill RoadMechanicsburg, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, USA Founded in 1862 by an act of the Pennsylvania General Assembly, Chestnut Hill Cemetery is one of the Mechanicsburg area’s most historic landmarks. On June 28, 1863, when General Albert Jenkins marched his 700 or so cavalrymen through Mechanicsburg and demanded that the… Continue reading Chestnut Hills Cemetery

Walter Lee Kauffman

Walter Lee Kauffman was the second son of Levi and Ann Elizabeth Coover Kauffman, born August 9, 1860 in Mechanicsburg, PA.  He was the middle of three surviving children of five.  His older brother, Percival Coover Kauffman was born in 1858.  His younger sister, Edith Belle Kauffman was born in 1863.   Harvey and William died… Continue reading Walter Lee Kauffman

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